
In 2021–2022, experiments were conducted at the Laboratory of Fruit Crop Resistance Physiology, All-Russia Institute for Fruit Crops Breeding (VNIISPK), to investigate the action of the “White Pearl Antifreeze” (Belyi Zhemchug Antifriz) phytomodulator and the “White Pearl Drip Ca + Mg” (Belyi Zhemchug Drip Ca+Mg) phytocorrector produced by the AgroPlus Group of Companies, LLC. Experimental and control plots were characterized by dark-gray forest soils with a humus content of 3-4 % and a humus horizon thickness of 30–35 cm. Apple trees cv. Sinap Orlovsky (VNIISPK) grafted on semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118 were planted in 2013 according to a 6 x 3 m scheme. Natural grassing was used in row spacings; herbicides were applied around the seedlings. The experimental design included: 1) control (water treatment) and 2) foliar treatment with a 1 % solution of “White Pearl Antifreeze” + a 1 % solution of “White Pearl Drip Ca+Mg”. The experiment was conducted in three replications with five observed trees in each. Our aim was to assess the effect of the mentioned preparations on the spring frost tolerance, yield, and quality of apple fruit under the weather conditions of 2021. Foliar treatments with the studied preparations reduced the frost damage to Sinap Orlovsky apple buds by 6.3 % at -3.5 °С and by 10.4 % at -4 °С. The conducted summer foliar treatments with the organomineral mixture under study intensified the growth and ripening of apple fruit. The improved protein-carbohydrate metabolism, water regime, photosynthetic activity, and donor-acceptor leaf–fruit relations increased the fruit weight by 10 g and the yield by 1.8 times. The conclusion is made that the B-PLUS “White Pearl Antifreeze” preparation exhibits a complex effect in terms of increasing plant tolerance to low-temperature spring damage, thus improving the yield and quality of apple crops.

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