
The main aim of this study is to identify the impact of Technological Innovation (Technopreneurship) on Enterprise Growth with special concern on tech-based internationally oriented Seafood Processing SEs in Puttalam district of Sri Lanka as the existing gap of this research’s scope is very much high in Puttalam district. This research considers mainly four types of Technological Innovation based on Machine Technology, Computerized Operations, Mobile Technologies and Other Communication Media Technologies. From the sample of 33 tech-based internationally oriented Seafood Processing SEs out of the total population of 39, primary data is collected using a questionnaire followed by a Descriptive plus an Ordered Logistic Regression Analysis was performed. According to the results, the growth of Machine Technology, Computerized Operations, Mobile Technologies and Other Communication Media based Technological Innovation (Technopreneurship) lead for Enterprise Growth. The more current the extents of Machine, Computerized Operations, Mobile and Other Communication technologies, the higher the positive contribution for Technological Innovation performance. Also, the Machine Technology Usage is high thus the Innovation performance based on Machine Technology is almost 50% while the Computerized Operations Usage is low. Among the users, the Innovation performance is at a higher level. Present Mobile Technologies Usage is high, thus the Innovation performance based on Mobile Technologies is almost 55%. Though the Other Communication Media Usage is high, only 53% performed innovation. Inadequate finance, poor awareness on international market conditions, lack of the knowledge and trust along with inadequate infrastructure are identified as the main reasons for the lower orientation of internationally oriented Seafood Processing SEs. To promote tech-based internationally oriented Seafood Processing SEs in Puttalam district, providing tech-education among SE owners is essential where there is a requirement of internationally oriented Seafood Processing Industry Establishment of a good financial and credit assistance and a comprehensive national policy for the international operations of tech-based Seafood processers are also essential.

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