
Two field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station Farm Facility of Agriculture (Saba-Basha) AlexandriaUniversity, Egypt during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons. The objective of this study was to investigation the effect of sulfur, nitrogen application methods and biofertilization on yield, components and chemical compositions of the Gemmeiza 9 wheat cultivar to improve wheat productivity and minimizing of pollution. The results could be summarized as follows. Applying sulfur at 400 kg/fed gave higher spike length, number of spikes/m2, weight of spike g/m2 , number of spikelets/spike, 1000- grain weight, grain, straw and biological yields (ton/fed) than 200kg/fed and untreated treatment in both seasons. Also, applying 400 kg/S/fed significantly surpassed untreated treatment for crude protein percentage, N, P and K percentages in both seasons. The addition of mixture nitrogen (soil + foliar) resulted in a significant increment in yield components and chemical composition of wheat grain in both seasons. Significant variation were recorded between the tested biofertilization on yield, yield components and chemical composition of wheat grain in both seasons A- mycorrhizal significantly surpassed uninoculation (control) for yield, yield components and chemical compositions in both seasons. Thus, it is possible to obtain maximum yield, yield components and chemical compositions of grain wheat through applying 400 kg S/fed, mixture nitrogen methods (Soil + foliar) and A- mycorrhizal inoculation (biofertilizer).

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