
High Motivation for academic achievement among students and good to excellent academic discipline are undoubtedly key elements of high academic achievement among students at any level of schooling and cannot be gainsaid. A highly motivated and disciplined student is a self-starter and embraces positive initiative in academics. Such a student is bound to perform better in any standardized examination and has an increased chance for future study and better careers. This study attempted to analyze motivation and discipline as student-related factors affecting academic achievement in secondary schools in Hamisi sub-county, Vihiga-Kenya with focus on students who score high grades in primary school’s KCPE vis-a-vis what they achieve at secondary school’s KCSE. The study was guided by the following objectives: 1. To determine the effect of students’ motivation to students’ academic achievement in secondary schools and 2. To ascertain student discipline levels and its effect to student’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Hamisi Sub-county, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was 4,298 consisting of 41 Principals, 428 teachers, 3826 students, 1 DEO and 2 AEOs. The sample size was 525 respondents consisting of 12 principals, 128 teachers, 383 students, one DEO and one AEO. Simple random sampling was used to select the teachers, students and the AEO. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the DEO. Data collection tools used were structured and unstructured questionnaires, interview schedules and document analysis. Content validity and test re-test techniques were used to validate and test instrument reliability respectively. A Pearson Correlation coefficient of 0.5 provided the benchmark for instrument reliability. Descriptive statistics was used in data analysis hence Quantitative data was presented using frequency counts, means and percentages with the aid of the SPSS Version 16.0. Thematic trends were used to analyze qualitative data hence results of data analysis were presented in form of frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study established that: Students in the sub-county had low motivation for academic achievement in both attending school and learning through lessons. They did not make sufficient academic consultations with their various subject teachers. They had problems with indiscipline cases while in school. Academic achievement of the students in Hamisi sub-county’s public secondary schools was seen as below expected standards. Students who had scored highly in primary school’s KCPE receded academically at the secondary school’s final examination (KCSE). Low academic achievement in Hamisi sub-county was a resultant effect of student low motivation for academic achievement and poor discipline. It was recommended that: Secondary schools should be encouraged to seek ways of motivating students and sustaining that motivational level. The schools should also embrace the right disciplinary procedure to address issues of indiscipline in schools. This researcher hoped that this research’s findings would be vital for Hamisi sub-county public secondary schools, the Education Office and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in general for they will derive insight from it to help solve the issues so highlighted. Future researchers may also derive valuable insight from the findings for purposes of making better their own research works. Article visualizations:

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