
The mother is the sole provider of primary care for her child for the first five years of his or her life. Her ability to provide treatment is primarily dictated by her knowledge and understanding of basic nutrition and health care. The numbers would improve dramatically if mothers were made more aware of infant feeding strategies and other health-care practices. Impact of STP on knowledge and prevention of malnutrition among mothers of children under the age of five in selected areas of Kota (C.G.). The convenient sampling technique and interview schedule was used in the study. The findings are about 58% of mothers of under-five children were less than 20 years of age, 65% of the mothers of under-five children belong to Hindu religion, 52% mothers of under-five children were taking mixed diet, 75% mothers were from the joint family, 62% of the mothers had a family income of 1000-3000 per month, 65% mothers took primary education, 92% mothers had one child in the family, 88% children were partially immunized, 30% mother got the knowledge from the mass media. In pre-test 5 (10%) of mothers had moderately adequate knowledge and 45 (90%) had inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of malnutrition among under five children. In the post-test 36 (78%) mothers had moderately adequate knowledge where as 12 (24%) had inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of malnutrition among under five children. This shows that there is significant increase in post test knowledge score of mothers. Hence, STP is proved to be significantly effective in improving the knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding prevention of protein energy malnutrition. Study concluded that H0 was rejected.


  • A Structured Knowledge Questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of mothers of fewer than five years children regarding malnutrition The structured questionnaire consisted of: Part A: Demographic variables Part B: Structured questionnaire on knowledge regarding malnutrition and its prevention

  • The chi square test was used to see the association between the demographic variables with the pre test knowledge

  • Nurses should be involved in counselling moms to help them improve their knowledge of nutrition for children under the age of five

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“To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while”. The illness is most common among children from households with inadequate access to nutritional meals, who do not use recommended practises for baby and early child feeding, who are often exposed to infectious disease, and who live in emergency situations [7]. Children born prematurely (more prevalent in richer countries), with low birth weight, and with intrauterine development retardation (more common in poorer countries) are at a higher risk of morbidity and death, as well as various kinds of malnutrition, than healthy newborns. They are more likely to acquire noncommunicable illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease [8]. Investigator felt a structured teaching programme can guide the mothers to improve their knowledge [9]

Need of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Development and Description of Tool
Section A
Section B
Section C
Characteristics of selected demographic variables of the sample
Association of pre-test and post-test knowledge score
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