
Purpose: We aimed to evaluate negative impact on academic performance of University students in Kinshasa associated to statics ametropia in our setting. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in the Department Ophthalmology of University Hospital of Kinshasa from January to June 2022. The Faculties, department and audience were taken to carry out a survey of three-stage probability sampling technique while the students were enrolled on the register’s presence to space four names (k = 4). The students have been taken ophthalmologic exam systematically visual acuity (Monoyer Ladder), slit lamp, fund ophthalmoscopy and automatic refractometer KR-920Top Con to determine ametropia. Academic performance was classified in this ways: poor (40% - 49%), passable (50% - 59%), fairly (60% - 69%), good (70% - 79%), very good (80% - 89%) and excellent (90% - 99%). Sociodemographic and clinical data have been systematically recorded in this study. Data was enrigestred in Excel software. We used SPSS version 20.0 for statistical analysis and Chi-square was used to compare proportion. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to test association between statics ametropia and environmental factors. p-value inferior to 0.05 or equal was considered significant. Results: A total of 600 students were examined. Their age ranged from 18 to 56 years and mean age ± SD was 24.6 ± 7.1 years. Sex ratio was 1.2. The main complaints were difficulty to watch the black board 30.3%, photophobia 14.6%, blurred vision 14%, tired vision 12.1%, headache 7.8%, ocular eyes, tearing eyes 4.3%, low visual acuity 4.1%, ocular prickling 2.6%, vertigo 2.3%, itchy eyes 2.1% and red eyes 1.3%. Myopia represented 36.6%, Hypermetropia 19.8%, Simple Astigmatism myopia 8.8%, Compose Astigmatism myopia 6.5%, Mix astigmatism 3.1% and spherical anisometropia 1.8%. Video playing, telephone and computer using and light in the classroom were statistically significant to the factors risk of ametropia.<spa

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