
Socioeconomic status (SES), an index of one’s overall social status or prestige in society, is one of the most widely studied constructs in the social sciences. Student’s academic performance or gain is affected by several factors including socio economic status, school environment, family background, age, gender, parents’ academic levels, residential area of students, medium of instruction in schools, tuition trend, daily study hour, peer influence, drug and alcohol use, sexual activities and others. To study Impact of socioeconomic status on academic achievement among Alzaeim ALazhari medical students, 2021. This was a cross-sectional Descriptive Study conducted at Faculty of medicine at ALzaiem Alazhari University in Khartoum Bahri during the period from December 2021 to March 2022. We targeted medical students registered at Alzaiem Alazhari University. A questionnaire in a Google form was sent to them. This study included 208 participants. 57.2% of the participants were females, and 80.8% of them were in the age group between 21 and 23 years old. 43.7% of them had a family of high Socio-economic status. Regarding the GPA of the last semester a score between 3 and 3.4 was the most score achieved, this was the situation also regarding the continuous GPA. 90.3% of them said their parents supported them during education. In contrast, only 39.4% agreed that their parents’ level of education affected their educational attitude. age, father’s level of education, and participants who agreed that their parents’ level of education affects their educational attitude differed with a statistical significance with GPA. Factors found to be affecting GPA significantly were age, father’s level of education, and participants who agreed that their parents’ level of education affects their educational attitude. This study provided the community with data regarding socioeconomic status and academic achievement which can make a good base for others researches and a good quality of academic life The primary goal of education is to provide students with the knowledge, cognitive abilities, and career skills they will need to participate in society. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the elements influencing pupils' academic success.

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