
Social media have become the significant part of the gen Z life, and they affects everyone from lifestyle and behavior to advertising brands and the quality of product. Targeted ads on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat assure that Gen Z is constantly immersed in messages that are directly relevant to their interests and preferences, leading to an increase in brand exposure and engagement. Moreover, the Gen Z buyers’ decisions are highly affected by social media as it provides them with the option to get product recommendations and reviews from trusted influencers via Instagram and YouTube. Gen Z consumers can be best connected through authentic content, but privacy and data security are the challenges that are brought in by social media advertising for brands. Gen Z, who are born digital, is cautious of sharing their personal data on the internet and ask brands to protect their privacy. Consequently, brands must form a connection with this skeptic audience with trust and credibility. In the end, it is awareness of the fact that Gen Z has unique values and preferences that allows the brands to create effective advertising campaigns that are closely related to this generation, leading to brand loyalty in the digital arena. Keywords: Social media advertising, Generation Z, impact, attitudes, behaviors, perceptions

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