
Vibrational quanta of melamine and its tautomer are analyzed at the single-molecule level on Cu(100) with inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy. The on-surface tautomerization gives rise to markedly different low-energy vibrational spectra of the isomers, as evidenced by a shift in mode energies and a variation in inelastic cross sections. Spatially resolved spectroscopy reveals the maximum signal strength on an orbital nodal plane, excluding resonant inelastic tunneling as the mechanism underlying the quantum excitations. Decreasing the probe-molecule separation down to the formation of a chemical bond between the melamine amino group and the Cu apex atom of the tip leads to a quenched vibrational spectrum with different excitation energies. Density functional and electron transport calculations reproduce the experimental findings and show that the shift in the quantum energies applies to internal molecular bending modes. The simulations moreover suggest that the bond formation represents an efficient manner of tautomerizing the molecule.

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