
Signalized intersections are provided in traffic networks to improve the safety and efficiency of vehicular and pedestrian movement. Various measures under education, enforcement, and engineering headings being attempted to improve the safety and efficiency of operations at signalized intersections. Provision of signal countdown timer, a timer showing the remaining red and green time in a phase, is one such measure and is commonly adopted in India. However, studies on the effects of a countdown timer under Indian traffic conditions are very scarce. Traffic heterogeneity and lack of lane discipline make the transferability of models developed in other countries (with more organized traffic) infeasible. The present study is an attempt to analyze the changes in queue-discharge characteristics and red-light violations (RLVs) under Indian traffic conditions due to the presence of a timer. A before-and-after analysis was carried out using the data collected from a selected intersection in Chennai, India. The analysis was carried out for different vehicle types in the presence and absence of timers separately for the start and end of red/green. Results showed that the information provided at the start of green (end of red) enhances efficiency, the start-up lost time is reduced, and there is an increase in RLVs. Two-wheelers present at the start of the queue are found to be the category that is mostly affected by this information. However, the information provided at the end of green (start of red) was found to reduce the incidence of RLVs. In the presence of information, it was found that the propensity of RLV (proportion of cycles having RLV) decreased from 59 to 31% at the end of green (start of red) and increased from 12 to 75% at the start of green (end of red) with a statistically significant drop in the headways (indicating an increased efficiency). Also, in the presence of information, the intensity of RLVs (mean RLVs per RLV cycle) for both the start of red and end of red decreased from 3.32 to 2.30 vehicles and 8.52 to 5.60 vehicles, respectively. The impacts varied based on vehicle type with major impacts on two-wheelers. The queue-discharge models show a significant change in trend, implying a need to update the signal timings when timers are installed. These results also bring to light the trade-off between safety and efficiency and the choices drivers make in the presence of phase-change information. These trade-offs should be carefully considered as the technology advances and drivers are provided with more and more information. For example, with the advent of intellidrive technology (vehicle-to-infrastructure communications), the extent of information provided to drivers should be tailored to achieve system optimality. The results of studies such as this one can help in decision making.

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