
Accumulation of organic acids as well as their CoA and carnitine esters in tissues and body fluids is a common finding in organic acidurias, beta-oxidation defects, Reye syndrome, and Jamaican vomiting sickness. Pathomechanistic approaches for these disorders have been often focused on the effect of accumulating organic acids on mitochondrial energy metabolism, whereas little is known about the pathophysiologic role of short- and medium-chain acyl-CoAs and acylcarnitines. Therefore, we investigated the impact of short- and medium-chain organic acids, acylcarnitines, and acyl-CoAs on central components of mitochondrial energy metabolism, namely alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and single enzyme complexes I-V of respiratory chain. Although at varying degree, all acyl-CoAs had an inhibitory effect on pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex activity. Effect sizes were critically dependent on chain length and number of functional groups. Unexpectedly, octanoyl-CoA was shown to inhibit complex III. The inhibition was noncompetitive regarding reduced ubiquinone and uncompetitive regarding cytochrome c. In addition, octanoyl-CoA caused a blue shift in the gamma band of the absorption spectrum of reduced complex III. This effect may play a role in the pathogenesis of medium-chain and multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, Reye syndrome, and Jamaican vomiting sickness which are inherited and acquired conditions of intracellular accumulation of octanoyl-CoA.

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