
Background: Gestational diabetes (GDM) was defined as any degree of glucose intolerance that to be firstrecognized during pregnancy, regardless of the degree of high blood sugar. L-Carnitine appeared to act as avitamin and thus termed as vitamin BT. Under certain conditions, the demand for carnitine may exceed anindividual’s capacity to synthesize it, making it a conditionally essential nutrient. Whereas, chitotriosidase ischitinase family member enzyme, produced by activated macro phages. Enzymatic activity of chitotriosidaseincreases significantly during the development of acute or chronic disorders.Aim: The study involved estimating serum level of L-carnitine & activity of chitotriosidase in womenwith gestational diabetes compared to type-2 diabetic pregnant & non pregnant Iraqi women. In addition toassessing the possible impact of variations of serum level of carnitine on serum chitotriosidase activity inthe study groups.Methodology: This is a case control study included seventy-five women whom attending the Al AlwaiyaMaternity Teaching Hospital/Baghdad-Iraq. The participants were selected of similar age consisted of threegroups: 25 pregnant women with gestational diabetes, 25 pregnant women with type 2 diabetes, and 25healthy non pregnant women as a control. After the provision of the ethical approval from Ethics Committeeof the Collage of Pharmacy–University of Baghdad. The studied biochemical markers were: total HbA1c,lipid profile, serumL-carnitine & chitotriosidase.Results and Discussion: Data analysis for comparing the groups results (gestational diabetes, T2DM andcontrol) indicated significant variations among them considering serum carnitinelevels & chitotriosidaseactivity. However, HbA1C levels were positively correlated with L-carnitineamong GDM pregnantwomen, with highest levels compared to the control & T2DM pregnant women. However, serum carnitinelevels were significantly correlated with chitotriosidase activity among GDM pregnants specifically (r=-0.813,p=0.0001).Conclusion: Serum carnitine level was significantly lowered in T2DM pregnant women,as well as in pregnantwomen with GDM, as being compared to healthy non pregnant women. Whereas, serum chitotriosidaselevel were significantly elevated in women with GDM, in comparison to T2DM and controls, it’s activity isnegatively correlated with serum carnitine level.

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