
IntroductionChildren with autism spectrum disorders predominantly exhibit social impairment but significant physical features are manifested as motor delays and deficits affecting their daily living. Though sensory integration is a basic component required for motor skills, the impact of sensory processing dysfunction on fine motor skills is not clear, which is explored in this study.MethodsThis cross sectional study was carried out in Vidya Sudha – school for children with special needs. Overall, 56 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders with the Childhood Autism Rating Scale were included in the study. Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2 was used to assess the level of their fine motor skill, and the sensory profile served to evaluate their sensory processing dysfunction.ResultsPearson’s correlation showed a strong positive correlation between the fine motor quotient and auditory, visual, vestibular, and tactile processing, with <i>r</i> > 0.7 and <i>p</i> 0.05. Beta value of logistic regression of tactile, vestibular, and visual processing was 0.554, 0.288, and 0.191, respectively, which conveys that tactile dysfunction has a major impact, followed by vestibular and visual processing deficits.ConclusionsThe study concludes that tactile, vestibular, and visual sensory dysfunctions appear to influence the fine motor skills, with tactile dysfunction exerting a greater impact. The result strongly emphasizes that paediatric therapists should individualize treatment on the basis of sensory dysfunction, which should be considered and simultaneously addressed when training fine motor function and activities of daily living.

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