
The study examined impact of religious education on pupils’ behaviour in the selected secondary schools in Lusaka district, Zambia. Specific objectives were; (a) To assess effectiveness of teaching religious education in secondary schools, (b) To establish the relationship between religious education syllabus and shaping pupil moral development, (c) To determine whether the Zambian government has policy framework interventions that support the role of religious education in building Zambia as a Christian. In order to meet the objective, descriptive and explanatory research design was used. Both qualitative and quantitative research approach were used to analyze and interpret data. Data was collected through oral interviews, questionnaires and observations. Furthermore, contributions by some Pentecostal churches and other religious were of importance to the education sector. The study sampled head teachers, teachers of religious studies and pupils of religious education. The sample size for the study was 100 respondents. The findings of the study were that values and practices helps progress in education. The role of Religious Education prepares learners to be morally upright and influences them to fear God and respect fellow human beings. Additionally, the findings revealed that the teaching of religious education is a critical component that enables the school going youth to acquire morality by instilling the right attitudes for social obligations and responsibilities in the society. Based on conclusions of this study, the researchers came up with the following recommendations; Religious Education should be taught in all secondary schools and Zambia at large due to its power to reduce frequency of disciplinary cases in schools, to impart practical ability for learners to discriminate between right and wrong and choose what is right in day-to-day life. The other recommendation is that the government of Zambia and other related agencies should train more Religious Education teachers as the increase of RE teachers will make it possible for the subject to be taught across secondary schools.

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