
The current status of Pistacia terebinthus and damages produced by fraying of Cervus elaphus on P. terebinthus populations of Quintos de Mora (Los Yébenes, Central Spain) are studied in this paper. Deer impact is evaluated considering several parameters (diameter, height, number of sprouts, damage level, etc.) of 1753 P. terebinthus individuals located throughout Quintos de Mora. Results showed a high damage level in all the studied zone, primarily in shadow exposures and in the «raña». Furthermore, the highest mortality rate has been found in the individuals of lower diametric class (2.5-3). In the other hand, Comparison between two situations, one considering the presence of C. elaphus and the other in absence of this species is evaluated, by means of the study of 355 individuals of P. terebinthus. A damage level increase of 8.99 % was registered. Results obtained seems to recommend several actuations in Quintos de Mora in order to protect the current P. terebinthus population. A efficient deer population control and the protection in situ of several young P. terebinthus individuals could be several management proposals to carry out in Quintos de Mora.

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