
From 1991 to 1995, we tested the effects of radio‐tracking, including trapping, handling and monitoring, on reproductive success of black grouse Tetrao tetrix hens in the southern French Alps. Reproductive success (total young/total hens with and without broods) was lower in hens marked with radio‐collars than in unmarked hens (0.77 vs 1.66 young/hen, P = 0.02). Brood size was similar in the two groups of hens, but the proportion of hens rearing a brood was lower among marked hens (23 vs 45%, P = 0.03). Reproductive success of hens marked at the beginning of laying, or just before, was lower than that of hens marked ≥6 months before laying (0.25 vs 1.20 young/hen, P = 0.058). The success of hens marked near the time of laying was also low compared with unmarked hens in all years but 1992 (the year*time of capture interaction was significant). In contrast, reproductive success of hens marked ≥6 months before laying was not statistically different from that of unmarked hens (1.20 vs 1.66 young/hen, P = 0.28). Higher predation rates on first clutches, and to a lesser extent lower ability to renest, were responsible for the lower reproductive success of hens marked at the beginning of or just before laying. Altogether, these results suggest that initial discomfort caused by the transmitter, stress of capture, handling and monitoring following capture may temporarily alter the behaviour of hens, thereby increasing detection of their nests by predators. After a period of adjustment, radio‐transmitters per se may have little or no adverse effect on reproduction. We conclude that to obtain reliable estimates of breeding parameters of black grouse in the French Alps using necklace type transmitters, hens must be equipped with these several months before laying, and nesting hens should not be approached closer than 20 m during radio‐tracking.

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