
In recent years, colorless distributed combustion (CDC) has been shown to provide ultra-low pollutants emission, enhanced stability, fuel flexibility and thermal field uniformity. To achieve CDC conditions, fuel–air mixture must be properly prepared prior to the mixture ignition. In this paper, the impact of moderate pressure increase on a test combustor is examined with emphasis on pollutants emission under near CDC conditions. Increase in pressure at constant mass flow rate resulted in a significant increase in NO emission and departure from CDC conditions. This is a result of reduction of the volume flow rate and injection velocity with pressure increase, as well as an increase in the apparent residence time of gases within the combustor. These conditions led to less than adequate mixing and more residence time of gases in the post flame zone to form NOx. CO emissions were reduced as longer residence time allowed for complete conversion of CO to CO2. Also, the increase in pressure enhanced chemical kinetics and suppressed dissociation. Increasing the combustor pressure with constant heat release intensity, where mass flow rates are increased to keep the apparent residence time constant, showed a slight increase (1PPM) of NO under premixed conditions and significant reduction of CO. OH∗ chemiluminescence showed that the reaction zone did not change with increase in pressure under premixed combustion. For non-premixed combustion, the reaction zone intensity increased and was more concentrated with increase in pressure to result in higher emissions as compared to the premixed case. In both cases, CO emission was significantly reduced due to the increased heat load and temperatures within the combustor. Relations describing change of NO and CO emissions with pressure were used to predict the combustor emissions at higher pressures. Difference between premixed and non-premixed modes revealed the need for more adequate mixing, necessary for CDC condition. Increase in pressure without considering flow velocities and flowfield can lead to departure from CDC conditions with simultaneous increase in emissions.

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