
Anodic voltammograms using rotating disc electrode (RDE) and linear sweep (LS) techniques were obtained for alkaline (9 < pH < 11.2) Cu (II)-glycine solutions. The nature and properties of the RDE anodic pseudo-limiting currents i lim and LS peak currents i p were considered within the framework of a theoretical model, taking into account the peculiarities of mass transfer of chemically interacting species. Both i lim and i p increase with solution pH and vary linearly with the concentration of glycinate anion l−. The degree of irreversibility of the process significantly affects the i p values, but has only small influence on i lim. Both characteristic current densities could serve as a measure of deprotonated ligand species, which is capable of forming stable Cu (II) complexes. The applications of modified equations, which were derived for i p in the case of simple redox systems, are discussed in detail.

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