
The impact of psoriasis on quality of life (QoL), sexuality and empathy requires better understanding in patient-partner relationships. To evaluate the influence of psoriasis on partner QoL, presence of sexual dysfunction (SDy) in couples and empathy in partners of psoriasis patients. A total of 183 adult psoriasis patients and their partners participated in this observational, cross-sectional and non-comparative study. Severity of psoriasis was measured using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index. Patient QoL was assessed using the Dermatology Life Quality Index and the Short Form-12 (SF12). The impact of psoriasis on partner QoL was measured with the Family Pso and the SF12. Presence of SDy and empathy in partners were assessed using the Family Pso. Overall, 49.7% of the patients had moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Patient psoriasis severity and patient QoL were correlated with partner psychological distress. The largest QoL impairment was observed in female patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. The stronger QoL alteration observed in female psoriasis patients, compared to their partners, was not observed in male psoriasis patients vs. their partners. There was no relationship between partner QoL and patient age and duration of psoriasis. Most patients, but less than half of the partners, reported SDy with age being a being a significantly more important impacting factor than disease severity. Both psoriasis clinical severity and/or a significant impact on QoL were associated factors for SDy in male partners of psoriasis women, but not in female partners of psoriatic men. Reporting empathy was higher among young male partners of psoriasis patients. In both male and female partners, patient psoriasis clinical severity was not associated with empathy. Psoriasis impact on patient-partner QoL, sexuality and empathy should be considered more thoroughly by dermatologists when formulating treatment plans and making treatment decisions.

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