
Loss in Ascorbic Acid contents of orange juice heated under different situations and pH was researched. In this experiment, Navanila oranges from Spain were squeezed and filtered by using a vacuum pump to make orange juice samples. These samples were extracted and make up with 0.1% Formic Acid in HPLC water, HPLC water and phosphate buffer solution (pH=6). Pasteurization was achieved at 60, 65 and 70℃ over 15, 25 and 35min period by using the water bath method and cooled to room temperature immediately. After that, Ascorbic Acid contents were analyzed by HPLC and 0.1% Formic Acid in HPLC water, HPLC water and phosphate buffer solution (pH=6) were used as mobile phases separately for their solutions. HPLC standard samples of Ascorbic Acid were prepared which means 0.1g Ascorbic Acid was weighted and then diluted into 50-250mg/ L solutions to make calibration lines for three solutions. The wavelength of Ascorbic Acid was 245nm but it changed to 296nm when samples in phosphate buffer solution (pH=6). Results showed that Ascorbic Acid concentration is more at 60℃ at 15min and there was a total decline trend with the increase of time and temperature. After statistics analysis, it has a significant affect (P<0.5) related to Ascorbic Acid contents with temperature and pH.

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