
The paper is focused on impact of different oscillation parameters on surface quality of peritectic steel grades cast into billets 150x150 mm. Hydraulic oscillation used for this purpose was temporarily installed on one strand of the billet caster. Hydraulic oscillation enables, in comparison to ordinary used electromechanical oscillation, flexible set-up of basic parameters of the oscillation cycle (negative strip time and its ratio). Proper oscillation mode is capable to assure regular oscillation marks development, good lubrication in the mould and adequate compression of the solidifying shell. Impact of an oscillation mode providing negative strip time 0.085 s and its ratio -50 % on surface quality of cast billets is compared with standard oscillation mode applied on strands equipped with electromechanical oscillation characterized with variable negative strip time between 0.084 and 0.096 s and fixed negative strip ratio to -14 %.

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