
This study focuses on the way organizational culture is adopted for exploring the relationship of firm performance. The primary objective is to explore the relationship between organizational culture and information technology effectiveness with reference to firm performance. The performance of the firm was measured using the dependent variables, return on assets (ROA) and Earning Per Share (EPS), obtained from the annual reports of the listed services industries in Nigeria. The random sample generated 200 usable responses. All the four cultural types adopted in the study had influence on the return on assets and earnings per share. The result of the Pearson correlation analysis revealed that masculinity culture factor was the most positively related to organizational culture and technology capability. The result provided evidence regarding the implications of organizational cultures as well as enabling factors associated with firm’s performance and firm’s innovativeness. The study increases our conceptual understanding of the variation and content of organizational culture, and technology. We recommended that management should consider developing the conducive organizational culture that requires the culture of openness, collaboration, trust, autonomy and authenticity. The study also recommended that future research be conducted utilizing larger sample size.

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