
Aims: The aim of the experiment was to study the impact of organic and natural farming practices on the growth, yield attributes and yield of Bokul Joha variety of rice Study Design: The experiment was laid in a randomized block design with three replications. Place and Duration of Study: Assam Agricultural University-Assam Rice Research Institute, Titabar, Assam, India, during the kharif season of 2022-2023 Methodology: The number of treatments used were eight in total including control which were T1 [Absolute control], T2 [(Natural farming, Beejamrit as root dip treatment (3%) (100 L ha-1) + Jeevamrit as spray (3%) (100 L ha-1) + Ghanajeevamrit as soil treatment at 100 kg (Jeevamrit and Ghanajeevamrit at 30, 60 and 90 DAT)], T3 [(Enriched compost (5 tha-1) + Biofertilizer (Azospirillum, PSB as seedling root dip) (4 kg ha-1)], T4 [Enriched compost (5 t ha-1)], T5 [Vermicompost (5 t ha-1)], T6 [Enriched compost (2.5 t ha-1) + Vermicompost (2.5 t ha-1)], T7 [Fresh azolla as dual crop (400 kg ha-1) + Biofertilizers (Azospirillum, PSB and KSB mix as seedling root dip) (4 kgha-1)] and T8 [Vermicompost (1 tha-1), mixed inocula of Azospirillum amazonense A-10 and Bacillus megaterium P-5 (4 kg ha-1), rock phosphate (10 kg P2O5 ha-1)]. The experiment was laid in a randomized block design with three replications. Where T= Treatment, PSB = Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, KSB=Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria, DAT = Days After Transplanting and NF=Natural Farming. Results: Plants that were noticeably taller were observed with treatment T8: application of vermicompost (1 tha-1), mixed inocula of Azospirillum amazonense A-10 and Bacillus megaterium P-5 (4 kg ha-1), rock phosphate (10 kg P2O5) i.e., at 45 DAT (81.78 cm),90 DAT (128.15 cm) and at harvest (145.71 cm). The same treatment recorded the highest no. of tillers 45 DAT (8.31m-2), at 90 DAT (13.79 m-2) and at harvest (10.40 m-2). Also, dry weight was noted to be highest for the same treatment, at 45 DAT (29.34 g plant-1), 90 DAT (79.11 g plant-1) and at harvest (92.29 g plant-1). Additionally, the same treatment resulted in highest grain (34.62 qha-1) and straw (70.30 q ha-1) yield. Conclusion: Combined application of vermicompost (1 t/ha) along with inocula of Azospirillum amazonense A-10 and Bacillus megaterium P-5 (4kg/ha) and rock phosphate (10 kg P2O5) can be used as a suitable treatment for attaining higher growth, yield attributes and yield in Bokul Joha variety of rice.

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