
The assessment of OHSM is the mostcrucial element in a Pakistani construction industry. In Pakistan, the industryrelated to the constructionis the biggest industry as compared to another industry and it is considered as the industry containing the greater numberof hazards. This quantitative study reveals that thenegative relationship between occupational health and safety management and risk existsat the construction site. This research paper is aimed at evaluating and examining the health and safety administration framework present in differentfirms operating in the construction sector of Karachi and suggests the measures to promote and effectively employ theusage of work-relatedsafety and healthadministration framework in the construction firms located in Karachi. An observational examination was embraced to recognize the related health and safety in different construction industries inKarachi. Review information was gathered from eight different construction industries of Karachi, Pakistan, through interview and physical survey. The collected data was analyzed by utilizing SPSS software. The regression and Pearson correlation analysis wereused for an assessment of relation between OHSM & risk. Results revealed that the health and safety condition of Construction industries of Karachi were not met with national and international health and safety legal, laws and policies. This reflects that the system regarding OHSMwere not legitimately completed. Along these lines,Pakistani Construction industries need to give careful consideration towards appropriate execution of health and safety management (OHSM) system

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