
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to promote a behavioral change to improve life quality through the comprehension of the components of food security by a nutritional education program among the inhabitants of the Monte Sinai community. Methods This was a triphasic study based on the E.V.O.L.V.E. methodology for the development of behavioral interventions and food security practices. The first phase was a situational diagnosis of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) about eating behavior and food security with surveys, also socioeconomic factors were collected. Also, an assessment of nutritional status based on the anthropometric and dietary component was performed with voluntaries. During the second phase, a cycle of educational interventions using participative and didactic tools was applied based on the gaps evidenced during the first phase. Finally, in the third phase, the effectiveness of the nutritional educational program was evaluated. Thirty-two mothers of the community participated after signing an informed consent to be part of the study. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results Previously, a nutritional assessment was performed on fourteen voluntaries of the thirty-two participants involved in the study where 86% were overweight and obese with predominant android and mixed body fat distribution, also 50% had increased cardiovascular risk. In the first phase it was showen 46% of participants have monotonous, unhealthy, and inappropriate diets. In the second phase of educational intervention, the individuals showed empowerment in health, acquisition of new knowledge, development of habits and good safety practices. In the third phase, the knowledge tests before and after each workshop showed an increase of 20,44% in acquired knowledge. Additionally, the evaluation of behavioral change using the URICA scale showed 32% of individuals in the precontemplation stage, 64% in contemplation and 4% in preparation. Conclusions The inhabitants of the Monte Sinai community have difficulty accessing a varied, balanced, and nutritious diet, due to barriers such as lack of money and employment. The inhabitants of the community now are more aware about their problems related with food security and their role for changing health and nutrition practices, as well as optimization of resources from the food environment. Funding Sources None.

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