
Nosema maddoxi Becnel, Solter, Hajek, Huang, Sanscrainte, & Estep, a microsporidian species native to the United States, has been found infecting the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål). Microsporidian infections in insects often shorten lifespans, decrease fecundity, prolong development, and stunt growth. This study was conducted to determine the impact of N. maddoxi on H. halys fitness. Adult females (2 doses) and nymphs (1 dose) drank suspensions of N. maddoxi spores to promote infection. Adult females receiving a high dose died faster than the controls. Nosema maddoxi infections impacted female egg production and egg viability at both doses compared with the controls. Infections were transmitted to 34.9% of adult males caged with infected females. As the number of days after inoculation increased, infection intensity (# spores found within an infected individual) for both adult treatments transitioned from low-intensity to high-intensity. Infected nymphs died significantly sooner than the controls. Of the treated nymphs, 55.9% died before molting into the fourth instar and only 26.5% eclosed to adults. Nymphal development rate and size were not impacted by N. maddoxi infection. These results indicate that N. maddoxi infection can negatively impact the lifespan of adult females, female fecundity, egg viability, and nymphal survival, which we hypothesize would negatively impact H. halys population densities.

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