
ABSTRACT As a series of studies to evaluate impact of mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in light-water reactors (LWRs), post-closure long-term safety for various vitrified high-level radioactive waste (HLW) arising from the different fuel cycle intends to recycle Pu are examined. In this study, four fuel cycle scenarios with different ratio of spent MOX generated and two reprocessing options for each fuel cycle scenario are considered. One reprocessing option considers disposal of vitrified HLW generated separately from the reprocessing of spent UO2 fuel and MOX fuel (separated HLW), and the other is blended vitrified UO2-MOX HLW (blended HLW) generated during reprocessing whereby MOX spent fuel is diluted by UO2 spent fuel. First, the radionuclide inventories of those vitrified HLWs are discussed. Next, radionuclide migration analyses for geological disposal of those vitrified HLWs are evaluated. It has revealed that the disposal of blended HLW will not have an adverse effect on the long-term radiological impact compared to separated HLW. Results of this study can be used as a basis for considering the blending option as a viable alternative approach in the future for managing MOX fuel used in light-water reactors.

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