
Mobile phone is the most dominant portal of information and communication technology. In the last few years, hand phones have become an integral part of our lives. The number of mobile cellular subscriptions is constantly increasing every year. Mobile phone addiction and withdrawal from mobile network may increase anger, tension, depression, irritability and restlessness which may alter psychological balance, interpersonal relationship and family life. Keeping this in mind a cross sectional study was conducted to assess the impact of mobile phone use on marital relationship and family life in a selected residential area of Faridabad. A quantitative research approach was adopted and the sample of the study comprises of 160 married persons from a selected residential area of Faridabad by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Smart phone addiction scale-small version (SAS-SV) was used to assess the mobile phone addiction among married couples and structured rating scales were used to assess the impact of mobile phone use on marital relationship and family life. The data gathered was analysed and interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed that a substantial number of married couples were addicted to mobile phone. It was found that there was significant relationship between the gender of the married couples and mobile phone addiction and mobile phone addiction and its impact on family life. Judicious use of mobile phone will help the couples to use their time and resources more productively. How to cite this article:Jomy A, Sharma V, Fatima J. Impact of Mobile Phone use on Marital Relationship and Family Life in a Selected Residential Area of Faridabad, Haryana. Int J Nurs Midwif Res 2019; 6(2&3): 52-57.

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