
Tailings containing mining and ore treatment waste, accumulated over long time periods are major contaminant sources at the watershed scale and may seriously impair environmental quality of river-sea continuums. A critical review of existing work in different disciplines addressing the multi-metal contamination of the Gironde Watershed, a major fluvial-estuarine model system representative of many other systems worldwide, has provided a condensed, yet pertinent overview on various aspects of this environmental problem. Combining long-term observation and contamination records from different environmental archives, there is a clear trend towards resilience for the main historical contaminants (Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu), yet suggesting that resilience needs appropriate management of both, tailings as the initial source and contaminated sediments acting as temporary metal traps which may transform into delayed sources. Contaminated sediment management is an increasingly important challenge due to (i) successful remediation at the contamination source itself (ii) global-change induced factors and strategies and (iii) lacking coordination of actions between upstream and downstream parts of the fluvial-estuarine continuum. Less studied and emerging metallic contaminants show recent trends in sediments and biota that are decoupled from the legacy contaminant trajectories due to recent sources and applications, suggesting that further work is needed to assess their potential impact on the environmental quality of the Gironde fluvial-estuarine system and that of other systems, especially in a context of worldwide rapidly growing mining activity and metal use.

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