
As the Indian economy continues to globalize, the Indian corporate and financial sectors have little option but to consolidate in order to compete in the global marketplace. It is a well-known truth that corporate houses were particularly focused on achieving their company objectives by implementing M&A strategies. According to Price Waterhouse Coopers, the culture of the business houses and the function of human resources must be addressed throughout the due diligence process in order to make proper transaction, since these components have a significant effect in postmerger outcomes. The goal of this research was to see how a merger or acquisition affected job satisfaction and performance. The researchers considered numerous aspects of job satisfaction for this objective. The researchers wanted to see whether employee satisfaction differed depending on their demographic identity. It was agreed to conduct the research solely in the Delhi NCR Region, and 30 bank branches in the region were chosen for the research. The study aims to guide the development of hypothesis. The data was gathered using the survey approach. A systematic questionnaire was created for the aim of data gathering. Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabs, Chi Square, Pearson’s Corelation, and the Friedman Test were used to examine the data. A conclusion was reached based on the analysis. Future research recommendations were also made. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the majority of workers at various banks were happy with their jobs after the merger. They were pleased with a variety of facets of the job, which might influence employee job satisfaction.

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