
6577 Background: Mobile Mammography Units (MMU) are a model of community outreach through targeted locations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between MMU utilization and screening location in the largest county in Kentucky. Methods: From January 2001- December 2010, 48,324 screening mammograms were performed with 21,587 unique subjects. Locations were divided into three categories: Corporate, Partnership Clinics (public health clinics) and Partnership Community (local events.) Utilization was defined as once, twice or more than 3 times in a 10 year period. The p-values were computed using the Pearson Chi-square test. The comparison with a p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Partnership Clinic accounted for the majority of encounters (40.6%) and was most likely to repeat twice (19.1%) or 3 or more times (30.2%) in a 10 year period. Partnership Community accounted for the least at 24% and was least likely to utilize the van repeatedly (p=<.001.) The majority of screens occurred only once in a 10 year period regardless of location. Conclusions: To our knowledge this is the largest database of MMU reported in the literature. We previously reported on race and insurance status as predictors of repeat utilization. The current dataset suggests women referred from the Partnership Clinic (Public Health Clinics) are most likely to repeat utilize the van which would be consistent with the intended purpose of the MMU as these patients are most likely to be uninsured or underinsured. Partnership Community are the least likely to repeat utilize however further analysis is needed to determine whether consistency of offered location from year to year could impact these trends as the Community group locations may be less consistent annually. Analysis of the trends of utilization of MMU based on location has implications for funding and outreach. Total N= 21857 1 screen N=11816 2 screens N=3983 >/= 3 screens N=6058 P value <.001 Corporate (%) 7741 (35.4) 4223 (54.6) 1385 (17.9) 2133 (27.6) Partnership clinic (%) 8874 (40.6) 4499 (50.7) 1694 (19.1) 2681 (30.2) Partnership community (%) 5242 (24.0) 3094 (59.0) 904 (17.2) 1244 (23.7)

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