
Cymbopogon citrates (Lemon Grass) is a traditional food of Asia and is used as folk medicine. Lemongrass has high antioxidant value; however, there is a dearth of human trials showing impact of Lemon Grass on health. The present study was conducted to assess the impact of Lemon Grass supplementation on antioxidant and Iron profile of Non-Pregnant and Non Lactating Healthy Adult Women. The 3.5g oven dried lemongrass tea (infused) was supplemented (twice daily) to non-pregnant non- lactating healthy adult women (19-25 years) for a period of 60 days. : it was found that there was significant increase in antioxidant values as assessed by FRAP (17.1±4.3 to 25.5±6.6, p ≤ 0.000). However, there was a 1.8% reduction in Hb (12.2±1.4 to 11.9±1.4g/dl (p≤ 0.05) levels with an insignificant decrease of Ferritin (6.7%), Erythrocyte (0.6%) Hematocrit (2.6%), MCH (0.5%) and MCHC (0.3%) values. Moreover, there was a decrease in normocytic normochromic subjects from 86.6 to 80.0 percent. Lemon Grasstea contributes to enhanced antioxidant levels in adult women, however, its effects on the CBC levels need to be corroborated.

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