
School leaders can facilitate the development of students’ educational competence to face challenges. Farr (2011) asserted that when school leadership is strategically examined, factors such as classroom management; school environment (i.e., internal and external to the school); and academic performance emerge. School leadership practices (i.e., those of principals and teachers) can change the academic trajectory of a school. Danielson (2010) emphasized that change itself comes from the collective efforts of teachers, schools, and communities. The school is an organization of learning and knowledge development within the community. School performance centers on academic achievement, and teachers are the core component of such achievement. School leadership assists in managing and shaping the flow of cultural information to support students’ academic progress. Good leadership may help children learn by encouraging them and boosting teacher participation and coordination. The study examines how school leadership approaches affect classroom management, school climate, and student achievement. The key results of this study will help principals/School Heads and teachers to develop and improve leadership skills and practices. A proposed training program was also crafted to help principals/administrators and teachers to enhance the classroom management, school environment, and academic performance of the students. In an era of higher standards and greater accountability, it is critical that schools have leaders who are prepared to do everything necessary to improve teaching and learning. Done right, principal preparation programs can help states put a quality principal in every school who knows how to lead changes in school and classroom practices that result in higher student achievement.

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