
It has been proposed that at short timescales of 102–105 yr, climatic variability can explain variations in sediment flux, but in orogens with pronounced climatic gradients rate changes caused by the oscillating efficiency in rainfall, runoff, and/or sediment transport and deposition are still not well-constrained. To explore landscape responses under variable climatic forcing, we evaluate time windows of prevailing sediment aggradation and related paleo-erosion rates from the southern flanks of the Dhauladhar Range in the western Himalaya. We compare past and present 10Be-derived erosion rates of well-dated Late Pleistocene fluvial landforms and modern river sediments and reconstruct the sediment aggradation and incision history based on new luminescence data. Our results document significant variations in erosion rates ranging from 0.1 to 3.4 mm/yr over the Late Pleistocene. We find that, during times of weak monsoon intensity, the moderately steep areas (hillslope angles of 27 ± 13°) erode at lower rates of 0.1–0.4 mm/yr compared to steeper (>40°) crestal regions of the Dhauladhar Range that erode at 0.8−1.3 mm/yr. In contrast, during several millennia of stronger monsoon intensity, both the moderately steep and high slope areas record higher erosion rates (>1-3.4 mm/yr). Lithological clast-count analysis shows that this increase of erosion is focused in the moderately steep areas, where Lesser Himalayan rocks are exposed. Our data thus highlight the highly non-linear response of climatic forcing on landscape evolution and suggest complex depositional processes and sedimentary signals in downstream areas.

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