
Jupyter Notebook (JN) is an example of an innovative and efficient digital tool that can be used effectively in higher education. In this work, a set of JNs was developed and implemented in the module “Chemical Processes” of the Master’s in Industrial Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) to strengthen key Chemical Engineering concepts and enhance the learning process of students. Specifically, five interactive JN activities related to mass balances, reactor design, and separation operations (i.e., distillation, absorption, and extraction) were created, including a set of self-assessment tests to measure the effect of this tool on the knowledge and understanding of students. In addition, the final grades obtained by the students were used to evaluate the impact of the interactive activities proposed in the learning process. Finally, the opinions of the students were collected through an anonymous questionnaire containing closed and open questions. The results obtained are discussed in terms of numerical indicators and student feedback to assess overall performance and engagement. In summary, this innovative teaching approach based on JN was considered a successful initiative to promote student motivation and learning experience in Chemical Engineering-related modules.

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