
AbstractThis research is aimed at investigating the impact of grouting quality of the inter–columnar joint as well as the impact of quality of horizontal construction joints on stress–strain state and anti–slide stability of Bureyskaya concrete gravity dam. The calculations are carried out using the software complex “CRACK” based on finite element method under design loads. The results of the numerical modelling calculations show that the grouting quality of the inter–columnar joint significantly affects the stress–strain state of Bureyskaya concrete gravity dam under design loads. However, the stress–strain state of Bureyskaya concrete gravity dam is insignificantly affected by the quality of horizontal construction joints under design loads. In addition, it is found that in comparison with the non–grouted inter–columnar joint, the grouting percentages of the inter–columnar joint 38%, 53 and 100% lead to increasing the dam’s anti–slide stability coefficient value at the contact joint by 12.2%, 13.7% and 14.1%, respectively. Furthermore, the results show that in consideration of good–quality horizontal joints, the dam’s anti–slide stability coefficient value at the first horizontal joint (at the level of 151 m) is greater by more than 2 times than the case of poor–quality horizontal joints, and greater by 24% than the case of average–quality horizontal joints. KeywordsConcrete gravity damInter–columnar joint groutingHorizontal construction jointsHorizontal joint qualityStress–strain stateAnti-slide stability coefficientJoint Shear characteristicsAngle of internal frictionCohesionSoftware complex CRACK

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