
This article is a contemporary analysis of the influence of Jadidism on the formation of understanding and consciousness of Kazakh people in the context of education at the second half of XIX century. The formation of Russian resettlement settlements near Kazakh villages in the second half of XIX century contributed not only to economic development, but also to the interaction and mutual enrichment of Kazakh and Russian cultures. In the history of the development of the spiritual culture of Kazakh people in the second half of the XIX century, a special historical phenomenon of Jadidism appeared. In this article it is considered in terms of its role in formation of consciousness and enlightenment of people. On the basis of Jadidism, local teachers in their work attributed the backwardness of Kazakh society to the lack of economic growth. The main problem, according to Kazakh educators, was the tendency of Kazakh society to progress. In search of an answer to this question, the great Kazakh enlighteners made the conclusion that for the self-development of people, it is necessary to assimilate with the culture of developed countries. As results of this research it is important to highlight that Kazakh enlightenment in the conditions of the second half of XIX century developed in Kazakhstan on the way of adaptation to Russian civilization, becoming a strong driving force on the path of social, economic and cultural progress. This article revealed the impact of Jadidism on Russian - Kazakh cultural interaction, development of interethnic harmony and national consciousness of people.

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