
Background: Bengal gram or chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important pulse crop grown in North India. The gram pod borer, Helicovera armigera (Hubner) is the major biotic constraint in the production of gram and causes heavy crop losses (20-60%) throughout the India. The damage caused by pod borer starts from early stages and continues up to the vegetative growth, flowering, poding and till maturity of the crop. The larvae of pod borer feeds on the leaves, stem, pods and the seeds of gram, yield losses mainly occurred due to the pod damage. A single larva can destroy 30-40 pods before attaining the maturity. Cultural practices like use of different intercrop combinations might be successful in avoiding or reducing the pod borer infestation. The current study was aimed to find out the best possible intercrop combination for the management of pod borer in chickpea. Methods: A field experiment was conducted at research farm, College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner during Rabi, 2014-15 and 2015-16 to study the impact of different intercrop combinations in the management of gram pod borer, in chickpea. Result: The intercrops, viz., wheat, barley, mustard, linseed and safflower with chickpea significantly reduced the population of H. armigera over the sole crop of chickpea. The minimum larval population and pod damage was observed in chickpea+safflower intercrop combination, whereas, the maximum was observed in chickpea+linseed. The highest equivalent yield (11.93 q ha-1) was computed in chickpea+barley, whereas, minimum (10.17 q ha-1) being in chickpea+linseed intercrop combination.

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