
Introduction: Insomnia is prevalent but unappreciated condition follows a stroke that can hamper recovery. The impact of insomnia on post stroke patient’s anxiety and depression remains unclear. Aim/Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the association between the Insomnia with Anxiety and Depression among post stroke patients. Methodology: A cross sectional, observational, study was conducted among post stroke patients, aged above 30years. Of 200 responses, 191 responses who were willing to participate in the study were included. The survey instrument used were Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) to access the anxiety, depression and quality of sleep among post stoke patients. Results: Majority of the study participants were males (59.2 %). In the present study, 34% of the participants were under the age group of 50 – 60. Based on Insomnia Severity Index majority of the responders had moderate insomnia (57%). Majority of study population had abnormal (71.20%) level of Anxiety and borderline (41.36%) depression level. There was significant association of severity of ISI with severity of Anxiety (p-0.030) and depression (p-0.049) among post stroke patients. Conclusion: Stroke leads to significant reduction in quality of life. Reduction in daily activity results in worsening of function and disturbance in sleep, leads to depression that affects the physical and mental health. Post stroke patients with the symptoms of insomnia are at the risk of developing anxiety and depression.

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