
The phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption of dangerous phenomena facing countries, particularly developing countries, causing it to fall into recession in the construction and economic development, and the destruction of the economy, financial and administrative capacity of the State and the institution alike, and in front of the gravity of this phenomenon and the failure of traditional methods to prevent the causes leading to it in light of the lack of security and political stability and focused on stakeholders and several international organizations and researchers studying the phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption at the national and international levels and in-depth studies to determine the main reasons that contribute to the increase as well as the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to minimize the gravity and is of good governance and one administration of the most important cornerstones contribute significantly to address the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption, and through a variety of mechanisms, most notably transparency and disclosure as well as the promotion of good governance and the resulting developments related to the Iraqi economy as a result of political change after the general indicators (2003) and what happened from a serious development in the apparent increase financial and administrative corruption which calls for promotion of good governance indicators as one of the important pillars in reducing the size of the financial and administrative corruption and then eliminate it.

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