
This paper proposes an approach for analysis and de termination of inadvertent interchange based on Fre quency Based Tariff for competitive electricity market. In this paper, comb ined model consisting of the pool, bilateral and mu ltilateral transaction of deregulated power sector has been considered [11]. In competitive electricity market, power schedule i24 hours ahead of real market but it has been observed that some of t he market participants are diverted from their comm itments regarding either supply of scheduled generation or withdrawal of scheduled load from the pool. Due to these reasons, the power system deviates from the optimized solutions. So there is an urgent need for determination of inadvertent interchange revenue p aid by such defaulter market participants. In this paper, frequency based techni que has been applied for determination of inadverte nt interchange revenue paid by such defaulter market participants. The frequency b ased technique has been applied to double auction m odified IEEE-30 bus test system. The whole transmission system has been divi ded into three sections; prevailing frequency in th ese regions can be assumed due to inadvertent interchange occurring in the system. In this paper, Frequency based tariff has been pro posed for implementation to generalized deregulated model consisting of the poo l, bilateral and multilateral transaction.

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