
In vitro toxicokinetic data are critical in meeting an increased regulatory need to improve chemical safety evaluations towards a better understanding of internal human chemical exposure and toxicity. In vitro intrinsic hepatic clearance (CLint), the fraction unbound in plasma (fup), and the intestinal apparent permeability (Papp) are important parameters as input in a physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model to make first estimates of internal exposure after oral dosing. In the present study we explored the experimental variation in the values for these parameters as reported in the literature. Furthermore, the impact that this experimental variation has on PBK model predictions of maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and the area under the concentration time curve (AUC0-24h) was determined. As a result of the experimental variation in CLint, Papp, and fup, the predicted variation in Cmax for individual compounds ranged between 1.4- to 28-fold, and the predicted variation in AUC0-24h ranged between 1.4- and 23-fold. These results indicate that there are still some important steps to take to achieve robust data that can be used in regulatory applications. To gain regulatory acceptance of in vitro kinetic data and PBK models based on in vitro input data, the boundaries in experimental conditions as well as the applicability domain and the use of different in vitro kinetic models need to be described in guidance documents.

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