
To prevent T2DM and its chronic complications early diagnostic of carbohydrates metabolism disorders is necessary. We investigated the erythrocytes membrane proteins in groups of patients with insulin resistance, prediabetes, and T2DM. Blood was obtained from healthy volunteers and patients with T2DM, prediabetes, and IR. Band 3 protein (B3p) content in isolated erythrocyte membranes was determined with the analytical electrophoresis method. АNOVA was used for the comparative analysis of the data. In patients with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism the expression of B3p (90-100kDa) was reduced in comparison to the control level and appeared as the oligomerized form of B3p (180kDa). Therefore, it seems that in the process of modification of erythrocyte membranes of patients with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism participate both, hyperglycemia and oxidative stress conditions associated with diabetes.

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