
Understanding the driving forces for the collapse of a polymer chain from a random coil to a globule would be invaluable in enabling scientists to predict the folding of polypeptide sequences into defined tertiary structures. The HP model considers hydrophobic collapse to be the major driving force for protein folding. However, due to the inherent presence of chirality and hydrogen bonding in polypeptides, it has been difficult to experimentally test the ability of hydrophobic forces to independently drive structural transitions. In this work, we use polypeptoids, which lack backbone hydrogen bonding and chirality, to probe the exclusive effect of hydrophobicity on the coil-to-globule collapse. Two sequences containing the same composition of only hydrophobic “H” N-methylglycine and polar “P” N-(2-carboxyethyl)glycine monomers are shown to have very different globule collapse behaviors due only to the difference in their monomer sequence. As compared to a repeating sequence with an even distribution of H and P monomers, a designed protein-like sequence collapses into a more compact globule in aqueous solution as evidenced by small-angle X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering, and probing with environmentally sensitive fluorophores. The free energy change for the coil-to-globule transition was determined by equilibrium denaturant titration with acetonitrile. Using a two-state model, the protein-like sequence is shown to have a much greater driving force for globule formation, as well as a higher m value, indicating increased cooperativity for the collapse transition. This difference in globule collapse behavior validates the ability of the HP model to describe structural transitions based solely on hydrophobic forces.

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