
Posameznik se je kot socialno bitje v marsičem spremenil in s stališča zaposlenega v posamezni organizaciji postal izredno zahteven ter zazrt skoraj izključno v zado- voljevanje svojih potreb, ki jih postavlja daleč pred potrebe organizacije v širšem in ožjem smislu. To med drugim pomeni, da smo zaradi dinamičnega in prožnega trga delovne sile prišli v stanje hitrega menjavanja zaposlitev in s tem delovnih okolij, v katerih je v tako kratkem času pri posameznikih nemogoče vzpostaviti ustrezno pri- padnost ožjemu kolektivu in organizaciji v širšem pomenu besede. To pred vodilni menedžment organizacij, in še posebno pred korporativnovarnostne strokovnjake, postavlja zahtevne izzive, kako v globalnem ekonomskem okolju, ki temelji na hudi konkurenčni tekmovalnosti, zagotoviti ustrezno varovanje pomembnih poslovnih informacij, do katerih dostopajo zaposleni v posameznih organizacijah. Iz analize odgovorov, pridobljenih z intervjuji, je razvidno, da različne organizacije v svojih okoljih pomen celovitega obvladovanja varnostnih tveganj in še posebno pomen varnostne kulture različno dojemajo in se zaradi svojih posebnosti te problematike tudi zelo različno lotevajo. Individuals as social beings have changed in many aspects. As employees of indi- vidual organisations, they have become extremely demanding and focused almost exclusively on the satisfaction of their own needs, which they place far ahead of the organisation’s needs in the broad and narrow sense. This also means that the dynamic and flexible labour market has generated a situation of quick job changes and, con- sequently, working environments, where individuals find it is impossible to establish adequate affiliation to their immediate colleagues and the organisation in general. Leading management in organisations, especially corporate security experts are thus confronted with a demanding challenge of how to provide adequate protection of critical business information accessible to employees of individual organisations in a severely competitive environment. The analysis of acquired interview results has shown that different organisations have different perceptions of security risk ma- nagement, especially the importance of security culture, and due to their respective specifics adopt different approaches to address this problem.

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