
The low-frequency noise of short channel triple-gate junctionless (TG JL) MOSFET has been investigated in the frequency and time domains before and after hot carrier aging (HCA). The objective of this work is to investigate the interaction between HCA/flicker noise (1/f noise) and random telegraph noise (RTN) of short channel length device (L = 25 nm) exhibiting high density of interface traps. Significant variation in the noise spectral density has been observed between the fresh and the stressed device, related to the occurrence of generation-recombination (g-r) noise. Gate voltage dependence of g-r noise has been observed, assigned to gate dielectric traps and interface traps. In the fresh device, the noise is dominated by 1/f noise and multiple level RTN due to interface traps. In the stressed device, the 1/f noise is overlaid by multiple level RTN due to traps in the gate dielectric and at the gate insulator-silicon interface. The multiple level RTN relative amplitude can be described by the generic carrier number with correlated mobility fluctuations model as for the two level RTN detected in long channel devices (L = 65 and 95 nm).

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