
This paper makes use of the panel data of China's direct investment in 61 countries along the ‘Belt and Road' from 2006 to 2016. Using the investment gravity model, we first carry out the total data regression, then the sample data regression based on the national income, the environmental reg- ulation intensity and the district position. The study found that, as far as the overall sample is con- cerned, the national environmental regulation along the ‘Belt and Road' has a significant inhibitory effect on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI), and the countries along the line are grouped according to income levels. Environmental regulations vary according to the differences in national income levels: environmental regulations in high income and intermediate-high income countries have a notable negative correlation with the OFDI of China, while environmental regula- tions in low-and middle-income countries have no significant impact on China's OFDI. According to the intensity of environmental regulation, the countries along the ‘Belt and Road' are grouped. The empirical results show that China's OFDI was significantly inhibited by countries whose national environmental regulations are higher than the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), while China's OFDI was not affected by the countries whose national environmental regulations are lower than the EPI. According to the different regional groupings of the host country, it was found that the environmental regulations of European countries and West Asian countries significantly inhibited China's OFDI, while the environmental regulations of the Middle East and North Africa and East Asian countries had no significant impact on China's OFDI.
 Some other important factors affecting China's OFDI should be taken into consideration, includ- ing the scale of the economy in the investment home country, the host country's economic level, strategic resources, infrastructure, government regulation, and bilateral trade tightness. Except for the government regulation level, which has an inhibitory effect on China's OFDI, the others have a strong promoting effect. This is consistent with the conclusions drawn by Qiu Qiang [2018]. The role of natural resources is not significant, indicating that China has insufficient incentives to natural resources along the ‘Belt and Road' countries.
 Finally, from the perspective of the government and enterprises, policy recommendations are pro- posed relevant to China's OFDI along the ‘Belt and Road'. The government should actively collect the measurement data of the host country's environmental regulations, carry out investment grading according to the strength of the environmental regulations and formulate different investment strat- egies accordingly. Chinese companies must pay attention to technology and innovation capabilities, which is conducive to reducing the extrusion of OFDI with similar technology levels.


  • This paper makes use of the panel data of China’s direct investment in 61 countries along the ‘Belt and Road’ from 2006 to 2016

  • Haeyeon Yoon and Almas Heshmati [2017] based on an analysis of the 2009–2015 Korean manufacturing Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI), found that the stricter the environmental regulations of the host country, the less FDI will be

  • Focusing on the countries along the ‘Belt and Road’ and based on the panel model analysis, Su Hongyan and Li Jingmei [2017] made a conclusion that the spatial layout of FDI in these countries has connection with the distribution of polluting enterprises in China, the environmental regulations of the host country impact the spatial layout of FDI, the environmental

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The scale of investment in countries along the route

China’s OFDI stocks along the ‘Belt and Road’ countries have shown a steady upward trend. This paper selects 61 major countries, which rose from 1.34 billion US dollars at the end of 2003 to 129.37 billion US dollars at the end of 2016. Their share in China’s total OFDI stock increased from 3.92% to 9.53%. The countries along the ‘Belt and Road’ have a low proportion of total foreign investment in China, which has not exceeded 10% till now. The countries along the ‘Belt and Road’ have a low proportion of total foreign investment in China, which has not exceeded 10% till They are not the main destinations of China’s direct foreign investment. From the perspective of future development potential, the countries along the route have huge investment space, like some relatively lower developing countries, but with a high development rate

Location distribution of investment in the countries along the route
Country differences in investment in the countries along the route
20 Turkey
Theoretical assumptions
Environmental regulations in the host country
Legal regulations in the host country
Bilateral trade closeness between China and the host country
Natural resource endowment in the host country
Distance between China and the host country
The economic growth in the host country
Strategic assets in the host country
Model building
Interpreted variable
Explanatory variables
Control variables
Empirical analysis
Full sample regression
Sample regression
Economic development situation
Environmental regulation level
The host country’s position
Robustness test
Research conclusion
As for the regression of income levels in the host country
Policy recommendations
Creating a good international environment and establishing friendly relations
Improving risk awareness and avoiding investment risks
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