
This research seeks to evaluate the extent of metallic release into food condiment due to the use of grinder machine. Grinders aged between approximately 24 months and 42 months were used to grind soup condiments and the latter were analyzed for heavy metals using standard methods. The results revealed that grinder whose age was less than 24 months contained Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd and Cr (in mg/kg) to be 90.15 ± 35.73, 627.64 ± 247.29, 59.89 ± 26.96, 54.21 ± 21.45, 34.85 ± 4.44, 227.05 ± 34.73, BDL ± BDL and 137.68 ± 49.19 respectively. As the grinder’s age increased, it was observed that metal contribution also increased, with grinder of aged 42 months showing concentrations for the above-stated metals to be 161.42 ± 56.67, 818.10 ± 229.84, 72.20 ± 40.33, 122.38 ± 103.10, 150.22 ± 9.59, 318.54 ± 51.48, 5.89 ± 5.16 and 88.50 ± 13.79 respectively. Between the period of 24 and 42 months, it was observed that contribution of toxic metals (Pb and Cd) by the grinder increased by at least 300% and there was an equally noticeable increase for other metals under consideration high values obtained for these toxic metals pose great health dangers for humans who might be in regular consumption of foods processed with old grinders.

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