
The effects of climate change on the environment, human health, and economy are significant. Global warming and climate change are primarily caused by emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. In response, Sebelas Maret University, an Indonesian higher education institution located in Surakarta, Central Java, established the Emission-Free Day, held on the first Friday of every month beginning in July 2020. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the Emission-Free Day in achieving 2030 emission reduction goals. This study analyzes the effect of the Emission-Free Day on reducing emissions from motorized vehicles on college campuses. The Tier-1 method, applying emission factors from the Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory published in 2006 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), was used to estimate the emission reduction. The findings indicate that while the Zero Emissions Program aligns with the Sebelas Maret University Green Campus Policy, its contribution to the 2030 emission reduction targets specified in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is negligible. Additional measures are required to enhance emission reduction efforts, such as the establishment of a Centralized Parking Facility, the implementation of an RFID card system to restrict vehicle access to the campus, the introduction of a ridesharing program, the provision of employee shuttle services, and the promotion of the use of public transportation. These attempts will support global emission reduction efforts and significantly contribute to achieving NDC targets. The study emphasizes the significance of instituting a variety of complementary programs to effectively combat emissions from motorized vehicles and promote a sustainable and low-carbon campus environment.

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