
The challenge of affordable housing has assumed global proportions, and the various efforts at private and public sector levels is yet to put a significant dent in what is becoming a worldwide epidemic with economic, social and environmental implications. In terms of strategies, public-private partnerships (PPP’s) as a solution have grown in popularity on an equally global scale. In evaluating the extent of affordable housing as a global issue, this paper aims to evaluate the factors that were commonly administered in the application of PPPs as an effective strategy for addressing affordable housing. This paper notes that while the issue of affordable housing may be global, proposing PPP’s as a silver bullet may well depend on contextual peculiarities and may yield differences in affordable housing delivery outcomes. The study notes that while lending practices, land laws and incomes levels are critical factors in determining delivery of affordable housing, other factors like proper allocation of risk, socio-political stability, and quality standards (regulations) are also significant factors that influence successful affordable PPP housing strategies in the broader context.

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